Cawthorne Church Of England (VC) Primary School



                                      School Council

The School Council at Cawthorne Primary School is elected democratically and fairly in line with our Fundamental British Values.  Every year, in the last half term, we have an election day where lots of our children stand for elections as either School Team Councillors or Class Councillors.  This is done through holding assemblies to talk through their manifestos and then the whole school votes on which person will be best to represent their team.


Cawthorne's School Council makes the school a fun place to be!  We are very active and busy in our school and help to make decisions about lots of important things.  We make sure that the children's voices are heard in our school and that everyone is part of our decision-making process to make our school even better.

The children were elected to represent their year group or their team . Well Done!

Year 2 Representative 

Year 3 Representative 

Year 4 Representative 

Year 5 Vice-Captains 

Red Team 

Blue Team 

Yellow Team 

Green Team 

Year 6 Team Captains 

Red Team 

Blue Team 

Yellow Team 

Green Team 

We work hard to raise money for school projects as well as for other charities.  A recent project was raising money through a Christmas Jumper Day. All the donations collected went to Barnsley Hospice. We are currently developing our Peace Garden to provide quiet, reflective spaces for children to sit, read and reflect.

We have also collected for the British Legion - this linked with our production about Remembrance. We studied the First and Second World Wars, the Blitz and Evacuees.

Each year we choose three charities to support - a local charity, a national charity and a global charity.  Previously, we have supported the global charity Samaritan's Purse which linked with our school story, 'The Good Samaritan' as well as Send A Cow To Africa and Water Aid.


We all enjoy being school councillors at Cawthorne because we can be courageous advocates. Our voice is heard so that we can make a positive difference and shine bright for the world to see.


Cawthorne Primary School Council Constitution


  • To give pupils the opportunity to be involved in improving school life for everyone.
  • For pupils to work as partners with staff, developing a caring school community.
  • To provide all pupils with opportunities to develop skills that will be important throughout their lives.
  • To involve pupils in solving problems and resolving conflicts.
  • To be positive role models within school.

 The School Council

  • The School Council will be made up of 11 children.

From Year 5 and 6 there will be 8 children to represent each team colour.  Year 2, 3 and 4 will also have one Year Group Representative on the School Council.

  • Each class will vote for a team representative.  In addition Years 2, 3 and 4 will vote for one Year Group Representative.
  • The School Council will attend regular meetings.
  • The School Council members will serve for the school year.  Elections to take place in July for the  following year.
  • The School Council will consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary.
  • The  Secretary will take minutes of the School Council meetings.  The members of the School Council will record  the minutes in the School Council Portfolio for all classes to see.  There will also be regular updates on  the school noticeboard and website .  This will ensure that everyone knows about the activities of the School Council.      

 Responsibilities of the School Council

  • The  School Council members are responsible for managing the activities of the Council; for instance, planning meetings, talking with the link teachers: Mrs Kukula and Head Teacher, Mr Bramall.
  • The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson are responsible for running meetings, giving everyone an equal chance to have their say, and making sure the Council comes up with practical solutions to problems.
  • Any elected member of the School Council must have exemplary behaviour – any member committing a serious infringement of the School Behaviour Policy  will forfeit their place on the council.
  • During Election Week candidates must hand in a written manifesto and also deliver this to the whole school.  There must be no canvassing for votes during this week - such as giving out biscuits or sweets etc…